How To Create An Amazon Account

Wiki Article

Do you want to know how tosign up for Amazon Account ? Checkout our blog which will guide you step by step on how to create an Amazon account.

Using an Amazon Mobile App

1. Amazon offers a variety of mobile applications that can be used for various reasons. They include Amazon Shopping, Prime Video, Amazon Music, Amazon Photos, Audible, Amazon Alexa, and many other apps.

2. Tap Create a New Amazon Account.

If you’re using Audible you can continue by tapping to continue at the top. After that, create your Amazon Account at the lower right on the screen.

3. Make use of the first bar located at on the right side of your screen to type your full name.

4. The second bar is used to input the email addresses. It is this email account that you will use to log in on Amazon for other platforms and applications.

5. Utilize the third bar on the form to type in the password you want to sign in using. A strong password should contain an assortment of lower- and capital numbers, letters or special symbols (i,e the letters: &or !).

6. Hit the big button that is located at the end of the screen. Depending on the app you’re using, it will say either Create Your Amazon Account, Proceed, or Verify Your Email.

7. Check your email. Once you have registered your account, you can open the application you used to examine your email.

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